Ditcaligo Admin replied

293 weeks ago


/SGFyZCBSZXZlbmdlLCBNaWxseSBmdWxsIG1vdmllIHdpdGggZW5nbGlzaCBzdWJ0aXRsZXMgb25saW5lIGRvd25sb2FkaG5kbXMSGF/ZG93bmxvYWR8d3o2TWpFM2ZId3hOVE0zTWpNeU1qQTNmSHd5TWpVeGZId29UVTlPVTFSRlVpa2dSM1ZwYkdSM2IzSnJJRnRRYjNOMFhTQjdmUQ/rearrange]Hard Revenge, Milly Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download

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a5c7b9f00b A fierce warrior (Miki Mizuno) becomes embroiled in a vicious cycle of vengeance.
The gore is over the top in this one…and pressurized to one hundred and fifty psi. It is set in a post apocalyptic wasteland of the cheapest outdoor sets that the producer could find. The usual crazed over the top post-apocalyptic gangsters run this wasteland. Milly, a woman best described as angry and bionic is seeking revenge in this wasteland.<br/><br/>The fight scenes in this low-budget digital film are pretty good, well choreographed with lots of fun new ways to lacerate someone. Miki Mazuno is gorgeous, even though she looks as if she doesn&#39;t want to be. I guess the movie can best be described as a female Japanese Max Max.<br/><br/>If gore-effects don&#39;t make you queasy, this can be a fun movie; and, at a run-time of less than fifty minutes, you probably won&#39;t have to get up in the middle of the movie for a bathroom break…
I bought the &quot;Hard Revenge, Milly&quot; double feature (also including &quot;Hard Revenge, Milly: Bloody Battle&quot; DVD from Amazon simply because it was a Japanese action movie with an appealing (and bloody) DVD cover. And it turned out to be one of the better purchases I had done in a while. Not only did it contain two Japanese movies, but it was some of the nicer movies of this particular bloody genre that I had seen in some time.<br/><br/>The story in &quot;Hard Revenge, Milly&quot; was straight to the point, dropping you in on the action and giving you a good, solid background story for the main character, Milly. Her family was brutally tortured and murdered by a group of psychopaths and Milly was stabbed, mutilated and left for dead. But miraculously she survived and is bent on revenge. Fairly easy storyline, but it was actually surprisingly nice.<br/><br/>What made the movie even more enjoyable than a good story was the well-choreographed action sequences and the great effects. That really surprised me, especially from a gore movie of this Japanese gore genre. Sure there is the traditional over-the-top blood fountain spraying (as in all the other movies of this genre).<br/><br/>But even more so, &quot;Hard Revenge, Milly&quot; had some really nice and professional acting, compared to others of the same genre, it was just that one notch above what is usually seen in the genre. And especially Miki Mizuno (who plays Milly) really pulled off the movie nicely with her performance; her acting was great and she knows how to fight. So it was a real treat to sit through the movie, even though it was only about 45 minutes or so.<br/><br/>&quot;Hard Revenge, Milly&quot; was beautifully shot and a real visual treat to behold. Even though being a Japanese bloodfest/gore movie, the movie had a big-time Hollywood production feel to it. It was really nice to see this kind of production value in this genre of movies.<br/><br/>If you like action movies with lots of adrenaline, martial arts and gunfights, and if you like Asian cinema, then you cannot, and I emphasize on cannot, cheat yourself from watching &quot;Hard Revenge, Milly&quot;, because the movie is amazing.<br/><br/>Great action, lots of fighting and violence, enough gore to keep most gorehounds satisfied, good storyline and genuine entertainment. &quot;Hard Revenge, Milly&quot; was really a hidden gem that I had no clue about before stumbling upon it by sheer luck. The only downside to &quot;Hard Revenge, Milly&quot; was the length of the movie, it was just too short.

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